For any charge in Parramatta, a strong defence tactic is essential. Criminal lawyers in Parramatta employ a range of legally valid defences tailored to each case to mitigate or eliminate legal liability. Here’s a deeper exploration of the critical defence strategies commonly used:


In cases of violence where an assault or other forms of physical violence have been committed, self-defence is a defence that is commonly cited. This tactic becomes relevant if the defendant mentions that their actions were a way to protect themself or others from an immediate danger of harm. 

To keep this claim valid, the criminal lawyers in Parramatta must present evidence about the threat’s realness and the approaching danger; the fear of harm should be reasonable, and the used force should be proportional in size. 

This step concerns proof-providing, like witness testimony, medical reports, and even possibly expert evidence on threat perception and adequate action.


The defence occurs when the accused person declares that they only did it because their life or that of others was in danger. Significant factors that deserve close attention include the threat’s proximity and severity, alongside the lack of a safe or likely alternative to avoid the crime. 

This may include proof of the danger, psychological tests, and witness explanations of the non-viable options.

Mental Incapacity

In similar situations, criminal lawyers in Parramatta argue a defence primarily based on mental incapacity, affirming that at the time of the offence, the defendant had an intellectual ailment that impaired their capacity to understand the character of their moves or distinguish proper from incorrect. 

This commonly entails comprehensive mental assessments and qualified witness testimonies to expose the defendant’s intellectual situation during the crime. Such defences are exceptionally complex and require careful presentation of medical history and expert analysis.


Defending the accusation successfully even though it is difficult; intoxication can be a defence if it is unintentional or impairs the mental capacity that no intention is formed to execute the offence. This defense often works better with general intent crimes while showing the defendant’s intent is crucial in proving the case. 

In such scenarios, criminal lawyers in Parramatta must present a defence that includes toxicology results, witness statements regarding the defendant’s behaviour, and expert testimony on the effects of the substance.

Mistake of Fact

The impartiality of this defence involves a case wherein the defendant had proof or reasonable belief that the existence of a fact that contradicts the critical element of the crime is not valid. 

For example, if someone is accused of theft and mistakenly believes the property was rightfully theirs due to an innocent or unintentional mistake, this could constitute a significant mistake. 

In addition to the evidence, criminal lawyers in Parramatta often demonstrate that the defendant’s perspective and beliefs were utterly justified at the time of the incident.


The alibi defence is a fact-based theory that contains the undisputed fact that the defendant was elsewhere when the crime was committed, thereby denying their involvement as impossible. Reliable alibis become possible when sufficient evidence is available to back them up. 

This may include surveillance video, electronic data indicating location, or testimony from trustworthy witnesses who can verify the defendant’s presence elsewhere during the crime. Such evidence is crucial to substantiate the claim and clear the accused.


Necessity is another defence that criminal lawyers in Parramatta may argue. Its primary point is that the commission of the act was necessary to prevent more serious harm. This defence depends upon strict conditions, for the defendant must show that the consequence prevented was much worse than the injury caused by the defendant’s activities. 

Evidence is crucial to support such a claim. This may include expert testimony detailing the urgency and certainty of the situation, as well as substantial evidence confirming the immediate and imperative need for the defendant’s actions. Such proof helps establish the defence’s validity under the law.


Consent is pivotal, especially in cases of sexual offences, as it can serve as a defence. However, establishing consent demands robust evidence, often entangled with pressure or misunderstanding. The role of criminal lawyers in Sydney is crucial, especially when key elements involve witness testimonies, communications between involved parties, and, in sensitive cases, psychological evaluations. 

Proving consent necessitates a meticulous examination of various factors, underscoring the complexity of navigating legal terrain where the presence or absence of consent can significantly influence judicial outcomes.

Lack of Evidence

In a burglar defence, scrutinising the prosecution’s evidence is essential. Defence attorneys meticulously observe the proof offered to uncover disparities, gaps, or weaknesses that might foster affordable doubt about the defendant’s guilt. 

This strategic approach consists of tough the credibility of witnesses, considering the integrity of how proof was collected, and disputing the interpretations and conclusions drawn using forensic specialists. 

Such important analysis is critical to weakening the prosecution’s case and effectively advocating the defendant’s clearing.


In criminal law, a defendant’s active choice to disengage from a criminal conspiracy before its execution can be a legal defence. To successfully utilise this defence, the criminal lawyers in Sydney representing the defendant must present clear evidence showing their intentional disengagement from the criminal activity. 

Furthermore, the defendant must demonstrate proactive steps to prevent the crime, reinforcing their intention to abandon the criminal plan.

Wrapping It Up

These defences involve a unique set of strategies, evidence requirements, and legal expertise. Experienced legal advisors such as Oxford Lawyers are skilled at choosing a specific defence and consistently advocating for it before the jury to win the case. Consulting with their expert team of criminal lawyers, who can manage these complex legal situations, is essential for anyone facing criminal charges.