For investors in India, stock screeners are indispensable tools to make informed decisions in the fast-paced stock market. Whether you’re analyzing popular stocks like IRFC share price or scouting for hidden gems, a stock screener helps you filter and evaluate stocks based on various parameters. With several free options available, Indian investors can access these tools without incurring additional costs.

Here’s a look at some of the best free stock screeners for Indian markets:

  1. is one of the most popular free stock screeners in India, offering a wide range of filters for fundamental analysis. It allows you to search for stocks based on financial ratios like price-to-earnings (P/E), return on equity (ROE), and debt-to-equity ratio. For instance, you can use to analyze stocks like IRFC, helping you assess its financial health before making investment decisions.
  2. Moneycontrol Stock Screener
    The Moneycontrol stock screener provides an intuitive interface for filtering stocks based on criteria such as sector, market capitalization, and financial performance. It is a great option for tracking stocks like IRFC share price and comparing them with competitors in the market.
  3. NSE India Stock Screener
    Free Stock Screeners
    The National Stock Exchange (NSE) provides a free stock screener on its official website. This tool is especially useful for investors focusing on stocks listed on the NSE, including IRFC and other prominent names. It offers filters like price, volume, and company fundamentals.
  4. Yahoo Finance Stock Screener
    Yahoo Finance offers a free and global stock screener that caters to Indian markets as well. It allows investors to create custom filters for stocks based on financial data and performance metrics. It’s an excellent tool for those seeking to diversify their portfolio while keeping an eye on stocks like IRFC.
  5. TradingView Stock Screener
    TradingView is renowned for its charting capabilities, but its stock screener is equally powerful. It offers real-time data, technical indicators, and customizable filters. You can use it to analyze stocks across various timeframes and identify trends, whether it’s for IRFC share price or other growth opportunities.

Why Use a Stock Screener?

Stock screeners simplify the process of narrowing down investment options. By applying filters such as P/E ratio, dividend yield, or sector-specific performance, you can quickly identify stocks that align with your investment strategy. For instance, using a stock screener to evaluate IRFC share price against competitors ensures you make data-driven decisions.


Free stock screeners are invaluable for Indian investors who want to explore the market without spending on premium tools. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a beginner, tools like, Moneycontrol, and TradingView provide the resources you need to analyze and select the right stocks.

By leveraging these tools, you can stay updated on key market movements, evaluate stocks like IRFC, and make informed investment choices. Stock screeners empower investors to filter through the noise and focus on the metrics that truly matter.